Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Not So Fun But Busy Summer

Well I guess I shouldn't say it wasn't fun, but I mean when you compare it to last summers, it was not much fun at all. Lets compare. Last year my team won USAV Nationals in Minneapolis and I got to hang with the coolest volleyball people from all over. My friends and I dazzled down the streets of Hollywood, visited the LA County Morgue, and played beach volleyball in Manhattan Beach while mourning MJ. I even graced Las Vegas with my presence; danced with the Pussy Cat Dolls, ate my heart out at The Rio, and partied the night away at Drais before sitting down with some old college friends for breakfast at the Bellagio. Good Times. Lets not forget fabulous volleyball camps at Butler University and All American Volleyball satellite camps. What a summer right?. SO excuse me if I think that this summer was lousy in comparison.

By no means does it compare, but that does not mean I was any less busy this summer. So busy in fact, I have not really kept my blog up. Apologies. Here is a brief review of my summer of discontent. Okay well I will keep it positive. My Summer 2010.

Well I turned 26. Not a big year, but it is always memorable when you get to spend it with family. Since everyone in the Byrd Family is born in April. My Auntie Stella (8th), Cousins Taisha & Taunya (10th), Cousins Tiff & Lexi and I all went out to the Cheesecake factory for a delicious Birthday meal. I had the Gumbo and we all capped off the night with a delicious slice of the best cheesecake I have ever had... the Red Velvet Cheesecake. Bonus: it was tiny bits of chopped white chocolate on the side. Agggghhhhh!

Road Trips! Road Trips! Oh how we love them... Sometimes. Usually the Ford family is always whipping it up in a van to go someplace. Usually Mississippi or whatever college I am attending at that point in my college career. lol This summer we packed the van up to go see my brother David graduate from Tech. Fun times, especially in the back seat with Daniel. Plug in the headphones.

Milestone Alert. My Mom turned *sshhhh* years old this year. I really wanted to do a little bit more for her, but my means were cut due to circumstances I will explain later. Her dear sister and my Auntie Stella brought over a delicious ice cream cake and we sang to her.

My Church, Capital City had a Community Health Fair. I must say it was very successful do solely to the efforts of my Cuz Tiff. Way to go girl! Many people from the surrounding community were able to come and check up on their health ( blood pressure, dental, weight, etc) and they could even grab a taste of healthy food like Tofu. I got the opportunity to volunteer as well. Yours truly had her own booth. Yeah thats right! My job was to check what is abbreviated as FVC or Forced Vital Capacity using a spirometer. In other words I checked lung function. It was real cool and I was glad to help.

Then there was the 4th of July. The Big Mac aka my father let me run the what I call the Big Grill. Usually on holidays that we cookout he runs the grill, but this year it was my job. It was actually kind of hard. I had to make sure the meat was turned and not burned to much, but also not raw. Wow, didn't know all that was involved in grilling. I'll leave all that to the man next time. Later, we all went out to Fort Benjamin Harrison to watch the fireworks display. Dannie and I sat on the curb along with hundreds of others enjoying the fireworks. It was such a carefree moment in time. It is what summer is supposed to feel like. It reminded me of my childhood when we used to stay out until the street lights came on and the fireflies started to show their lights. It has a smell, like you have played in dirt all day. You are black as night because you refused to come indoors in the heat of the day. Oh the days of summer. I miss those days, but its nice to have one night as a reminder of what summer nights used to feel like. A smile comes to mind as I type. It was a Happy Fourth of July.

Even though summer is still officially going on, its pretty much over. This summer has brought new challenges to me such as Sand volleyball, coaching 10-11 year old kiddies, and caring for my Moms after double knee replacement surgery (check out future blogs). It has been a struggle sometimes, but I have made it. And hey, my club decided to pay me a little bit of money. So I cannot complain. All is well that ends alright I guess. Looking forward to the fall. :)