With all that said, I'm just happy it has happened. He has had some setbacks and situations. And if you know David, you know he is of the "laid back" kind. So when disaster seems inevitably in his tracks, he doesn't flinch, he doesn't react. Actually he really does nothing. His calm demeanor always scares and puzzles my mom, whom always finds a way to panic if she were in that same situation. But who hasn't been through the ringer while at a university. I know I did. Especially being a student-athlete. Sometimes you are forced to be an athlete-student. Remember the NCAA is a business, and although a goal of theirs is for all their athletes to receive an education, never forget that number one... IT IS A BUSINESS. So I am extremely proud he overcame and received his degree.
The ceremony was very nice. The graduates all marched in with every parent screaming their child's name to get one of many photo opps. David marched in with his Alpha sash given to him by his Frat brothers and a golden tassel, which represented his career as an athlete. HOLD THE PHONE! My gown had nothing on it and we got nothing for representing South Carolina in the athletic department. Thanks USC! Super jealous.
The ceremony went on as planned in the program. Their speaker was pretty good. Humor and knowledge = success was pretty much what I got from his speech. Don't ask me who spoke at my graduation or what he spoke about. Pretty sure I fell asleep. The graduates marched up to receive their recognition and hand shakes from the president. I was shocked at how many students were not there. I mean really? You are gonna miss your won graduation? All those hours, tests, stress and anxiety and not to mention money and you are gonna miss your graduation. Unbelievable! It ended with the school song, which happens to kind of a cool jingle.
Afterwards we waded through hundreds of graduates trying to rendezvous with their families, which was fun. NOPE! Advice- Designate a meeting spot before. Upon finding him, we took a plethora of photos with him, which I'm sure was a tad bit embarrassing, but so did everyone else. His Frat brothers were there to support him and even performed a hymn. It seemed like something the Alphas do at special events like graduations and such. It was nice. As they were performing, an older gentlemen who happened to be an Alpha himself stopped and joined in on the hymn. As did my father. That brotherhood is tight and it seems the chain is never broken, no matter how old you get.
So heres to you Dunes! I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I wish you the best in the future and I know you will be successful.

Kia Byrd graduated from Russellville High School in Arkansas. She will attend Howard University in the fall, have a focus in Pre-Med and will major in Biology. Whew, I see tons of studying in her future.

Kirk Brooks graduated from Pontiac Highschool in Pontiac, Michigan. He is undecided on where to further his higher education, but he has plans to attend a 4 year school.