Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy All Hallows Evening!

Happy Halloween. Or All Hallows Eve is what they would say in the olden days. This is absolutely my favorite holiday. I love the decorations, I love the ghost, eery stories. I love the candy. I actually went trick or treating until I was 17 years old; which by the way was very hard because I was 6'2 since I was 14 and people had a hard time believing I was not an adult. Thank you baby face.

How about all those stories or Urban Legends of glass in candy, so your parents have to inspect everything. Oh the fun times. But my absolute favorite thing about Halloween are the costumes. I love that there is one day where you can leave your world behind and be just about anything you want to be. Thats the best part. Sorry 365 days of Lauren can be a bit much, excuse me if I wanted to be a Spice girl for a couple of hours.

And shout to all those who dont like "celebrating" Halloween. Lighten up. No one is devil worshiping or trying to raise the dead. The most we are doing is getting tummy aches and really bad hangovers from costumes parties. Actually the origin of trick or treating and Halloween parallels an old Medieval practice of people going from door to door collecting food in exchange for prayers for the dead on All Saints Day. That is also similar to Dia de los Muertos or day of the dead and my favorite Mexican holiday to celebrate while studying Spanish in school.

So maybe if you look at Halloween in this way, maybe it wont seem so ghoulish and evil. Whatever, its my favorite and Ill probably celebrate it forever. Deal! If you are lucky, I might break out the Thriller dance for you.

Happy Halloween from Dannie and I. By the way, he was the most excellent Optimus Prime. I was a Zombie Volleyball Player.

Previous years I have resurrected my Zombie Volleyball player and an Emo Tinkerbell.