l -r (front row) Lara German, Ainhoa Miravalles, Ana "Colo" Martinez, Rebeca Fernández, Daniela Da Silva(back row) Lindsay Stalzer, Katia Rodrigues, Entrenador Juan Villinares, Asistente: Ramon Guerrero, Maria Revilla, Lauren Ford. Not Pictured- Natali Flaviani, Jaime Gallego, Manu Rubio- fisioSo here is the first unofficial team picture. It was taken around my second week here. Since then we added another player from Argentina named Natali Flaviani. She is a beast of a middle blocker. She is also my third roommate. More about that later. Also missing from this photo is our third trainer and weight coach Jaime Gallego and physical therapist Manu Rubio. Jaime is a very good translator and speaks very well. He attributes this to his world travels to many English speaking countries. Manu, our physio therapist, might be my best friend by the end of this season, considering my ankle problems. I already have daily appointments with him after practice. Usually during rehab the "usuals" Dani, Katia and I go to Manu and they teach me Spanish while we treat our ailments. Good times.

Another pastime we are starting is group get togethers. We are going to try to come together for dinners or fiestas (parties). My roommates and I are already planning a Halloween party. Cant wait. In the photo to the right, we all gathered at Dani and Katia's house for dinner. I cooked Curry chicken, which everyone thought was pretty good. We also had Pate, which is basically tuna and mayonaise with some other ingredient. I know it was really good. The Brasilleras served cornbread with pollo (chicken), maize (corn) and queso (cheese). It reminded me of my mother's
Mexican Cornbread. The other main dish was a traditional Spanish dish called
Tortilla. It is made out of Huevos (eggs) and patatas (potatoes). Ofcourse no meal is complete without Fanta Limon. Love that stuff. When I find the receipe for all these meals, I will certanly post them. Overall, it was a good time and I really enjoyed tasting everyones dish. I was so full afterwards.

Finally, meet my roommates. I am on the left and in the middle is fellow American Lindsay Stalzer. She is a graduate of Bradley University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. She plays opposite, but can also hit outside and middle. Trust me when I say, this girl can fly. On the right is Natali Flaviani a middle blocker from Argentina. She is very athletic with a fast armswing. This girl takes no prisoners. But dont call her Natali; she likes Flavia. Its fitting to her personality as well. Both girls are very nice and good roommates. This photo was taken right after we came from the beach. We can never get enough sun over here. :)
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