Last Saturday night Team Finestrat travelled 8 hours north to face off against the #2 Universidad de Burgos. (Longest trip ever BTW). It was another barn burning, nail bitter as well. A five set thriller, and it ended with my team on top. We jumped around in a circle hugging each other with smiles on our faces. Our coaches high-fived. The few fans that we had in the crowd stood in jubilation, giving us a standing ovation, as well as the away crowd. Everyone was exhausted. Well at least I was. I was tired in the third set. Probably due to me still being sick. But it didnt matter cuz we had just come from behind and beat the #2 team in the league. What a feeling!
Off the bat, let me say that three of their key players were not playing. MIght that have made a difference? Yes and no, but we'll never know for sure because they were not playing. My opinion is that if they truly wanted to make sure they received 3 points from this match, those players would have played regardless. I mean I have played with torn tendons, and strained thumbs. Even this match both of our middles were sick with viral infections in our throats. So excuses are excuses. I also might add that they had nothing to lose by not playing because with an win or loss in this situation, they still would have been in 2nd place.
We started off the first set, horribly. Our passing was mediocre, and we had many unforced errors. I would say they were forced by ourselves. We definitely were not putting ourselves in great position to score. When the score was 16-9, our coach decided it was time for a setting change. Opting for a new look he went to the 6'1 Maria Revilla. I love Maria, because she brings so much excitement and energy to the court. Even in practice in a simple drill, she will get just as excited as she would in a real match. It is really uplifting. And playing in front of her father and two brothers must have been really nice and I was happy for her. After the change, we immediately started to come up. Actually we almost stole the first set but ended up losing 21-25. The next game we continued on the same momentum as we finished. Our defense came alive in blocking as well as on the floor and we were able to take game 2.
Game three started like all the others. We were behind ofcourse. Coach made the setter switch again for more defense. In the middle of the set, on of their key players, Regina Miloserdova, went out the match with a knee injury. This should have been an advantage for us and me since, I was matched up against the replacement middle. I felt there was just really poor decision making on our part in the offense, along with unforced errors again. We lost the third set 19-25. A set that we clearly had an advantage in. The fourth set was not much different. We started off frustrated, slow and sluggish. Our coach was yelling at us because he was mad; which is what he is supposed to do and we deserved it. But constantly telling me that we are losing to weaker players does not help me do what I need to do. I dont care who is on the other side of the net. It doesn't matter whether its the Spainish national team or a juvenile team in the 7th grade. If they are beating us, they are beating us. Period. "Play the Ball, not the man."
At one point we had all but given up. Or at least it felt like it. But I wasnt having that, and neither was my team. Sometimes all it takes is a spark. Upon entering the game late in the 4th set. I decided to forget about attacking and forget about the sets I was given. I cannot control that. But I can control my blocking and thats what we needed. After a long rally with a huge block at the end, we were finally back and gained a bit of confidence. This was followed but a couple more big blocks and huge kills from Lindsay and Dani and we were back tied up. Putting the pressure back on them to finish the match caused them some frustration and forced errors. We stole game 4, 25-22.
Yes! "So at least we will get 1 point," is probably what many of us were thinking. But not me. If we are going to battle in game five after all this trouble, and being sick the whole week and the drama; I wanted 2 points, not 1. "No quiere un punto, yo quiero 2 puntos, YA!" is what I told my team. I am sick of settling. We had come this far, why not win the whole thing. Plus we played in a 5 set match last weekend and I wasn't having it again. In game five we came out on top. Momentum was definitely on our side and the pressure was all on them to win this game. After the change over point we were on top but it was still too close to call. We had some unforced errors and missed serves but could not get unfocused at this point, especially when they tied it back up. But in the end we were too determined and went on a run. GAMEOVER 15-12. What a super emotionally charged, exhausting match. I was so tired and just collasped on the floor after shaking hands. The crowd who by the way, was talking so much smack, applauded all our efforts. It felt good. DOS Puntos! More importantly we remain in 7th place and in playoff contention. Leading all scorers was Sara Gonzalez with 21 +16 on 18 kills followed by Fraga Dos Santos Sor with 21+8 on 19 kills. Leading Finestrat once again was Dani DaSilva with 19+ 7 on 13 kills.
My body definitely will feel this all next week. But that is what athletes do. We train, play hard, and sometimes we lose. Sometimes we win! And we have to get up the next week and do it all over again. This life is great. If you are a competitive athlete at heart, you might complain but at the end of the day you do it because its inside of you. You love it!
"Fear failure? No! We fear being our best. For if we give our best and it is not good enough, then whats left for us?.... The satisfaction of knowing that you gave something your very best."
- author unknown
Next match is home in Nucia vs. C.V. Playa de las Canteras. Another TV match! Vamos Finestrat!
In other news... Happy Birthday Rebe! Feliz Cumpleanos!