Beat up and discouraged, two feelings that mean nothing in athletics, our next match would be against Mallorca again. After losing to Volero, and becoming 1-3 for the month of December and having my body feel literally broken, this game I would have to focus up... Plus on top of that, some off court drama was brewing and coming to a boil. It was a very tense moment in time for sure. With all that pushed to the side for the moment, we had Mallorca and the CEV Tourney to worry about.

To be completely honest with you, we kind of sailed to a 3-0 victory of Mallorca. Yes, we had trouble with some of their hitters, but we were able to contain them enough to bring in the victory. It was incredible. This same team that we struggled with and were defeated easily by last week, had just suffered our same fate. And just like that, the series was even. Too bad we could not carry that momentum over into the Golden Set. All I can say is, I looked up at one point and it was 0-5 Mallorca in a 15 point set. We just could not get it going and in the end it was too much to come back from. We lost 9-15. Our goal was to make it to the next round of the Europa Cup, so it was a bit disappointing.

After suffering that loss, our next match was immediately that Saturday at Kanti Schaffhausen. Last time we met, it was probably the best match we played colletively as a team. We won 3-1 and many people say it was the best match they have ever seen me play as well. I dont agree and will not comment more, but it was a pretty nice match for Sm'Aesch. In case you forgot> http://bit.ly/eSqai2
Well this time Sm'Aesch walked in the gym a bit different than last time. Ha, where do I start. First we only had 8 players. God forbid if some one got hurt. The only sub Laura, was just coming off an injury, probably 80%. Joana, our opposite was also injured. Lets add that it felt like the north pole int he gym. I mean freezing. So trying to stay warm in this place was gonna be a struggle, especially with problems I was having with my legs that week. Ugh!

Hey. Mentally and physically you go and prepare for a game. Watch video, take notes, all that stuff. Then you go on the court and prepare the game plan. When the game comes you have to remember what you studied and go out and physically and mentally execute it. It might sound complex, but in the end its simple. Plan, Study, Train, Execute.
The last of the 6 games in December, I have very little to comment on. I have no idea who we played or where we played at. I was basically just there. I know it was a Swiss Cup game and that the team was a 2nd league team. The match took approx 45, and then we were on out way. Sorry thats all I got.
Whew I hope you realize how exhausting December was. Hoping for a great 2011 season. :)