As an athlete, all we do is make resolutions. I guess in our case they are goals or plans to do or execute during a match or game: Cut down on turnovers, decrease errors, press over on the block, etc. What happens when we are not reaching these goals. I think so many times, we as human beings run into problems and quickly try to resolve them by cutting corners or simply quitting them. We begin looking for a quick fix or the easiest fix. Its like when you over think and start messing up on things that you were good at in the first place. So now not only have you not fixed the first problem, but you have created another problem by thinking too hard. Sometimes we may just need to reevaluate and tweak one little thing. This one little thing most likely is disguised with hard work, challenges, or a struggle. Therefore, we do not choose to take on the challenge. We rather look to a easier path.
In the movie "Taking of Pelham 123" John Travolta's character states to Denzel Washingtons character that, "Plan B is to reinforce Plan A." My number one resolution or goal is to always become a better athlete, volleyball player. I knew coming to Spain that this was a whole new arena of possiblities. I knew it wouldnt be easy. This first half of the season, I doubted myself. I thought, maybe I should retire my athlete life and start a normal 9-5; just because we were losing or I had a bad game. Even the management stated they would fire all of us if we did not win. What type of message does that send? I am sick of giving up on something just because it is not going the way I would like it to go. I guess they should have fired Michael Jordan many times with all the shots he missed.
I am in no way saying that you shouldnt have plan Bs, or a back-up plan or different ideas to reach a goal. I am simply trying to say you shouldnt just give up because its not working. Sometimes you have to stay the course and let it play out. This year I just want to grind through and when things get rough, I need to stay the course. No more backing out. When I get frightened, I want to become inspired. I am living out a dream right now as a professional athlete, and if I run away from it, I guess it was not a dream to begin with. No more doubts.
"When obstacles arise, change your direction to reach your goal, not the decision to get there."
- Zig Ziglar
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