I have never and I mean never worked so hard on my mid section as I do now. We sit up on the ball, balance on the ball, crunch our feet to our chest with the ball. Everything that is possible. But I guess I am in Switzerland so their speciality would be Swiss Ball exercies. YOu think you are a pro at abs. Let me say you are nothing if you have never used the Swiss Ball. My abs will be the business after this. :) Abs are very important in volleyball, especially in blocking. To really be strong while you are in the air, its very important to tighten your abs and mid section. It creates a better position for blocking and the results are amazing.
After abs I am usually drenched, but we finally are able to touch a ball. We through some excercises and before I know it we are finished. lol I often ask myself, "wow did we spend more time on Abs then anything else?" It always appears that way. But its always the little things that come up so big right when you need it right? I know this will make our team very strong and I am so excited to continue to experience the journey... As tough as it may seem sometimes.
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. ITs about dancing in the rain" - Unknown
*Sorry, I cannot spell check at the moment. It says all my words are incorrect because ofcourse it is spell checking in German, lol*
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