The trip was about an 8 hour bus ride. Very manageable. Especially since the scenery was so beautiful. The most exciting part was driving through the Alps. I have seen what I now call the baby Alps in southern Germany, but I had never been soup close and personal with the mountains as I was at that very moment. It was almost like a ride at an amusement park. Scaling higher and higher and going around bends and turns. Real Cool.
Upon arrival we were all exhausted and sat down to one of many delicious Mediterranean meals we ate at out Hotel Brist0l. The food was mostly seafood, which makes sense as we were situated on the coast and fishing nets were everywhere. I eat shrimp sometimes at like Red Lobster or whatever, but the seafood served here was legit like straight out the ocean. Arms attached and everything. I passed on a lot of stuff. It was so funny because everyday we would ask what was on the menu and someone would reply FISH! lol Another interesting thing is the amount of food served over here in Europe. We would first visit a salad and pasta buffet where you could easily fill up. Then you get your first plate. After that is finished and the plates are collected you are served your second dish. Mamma Mia! I would be so full after the buffet. Dessert is always a nice ending. But everyday we ate very well.

One thing that I kind of regret was sight-seeing. But I never really had the time. We trained most of the day and when we were not doing that we were eating those ridiculously long meals or getting medical treatments for our ailments or sleeping. The training was very intense. I would sweat through at least 2 shirts a session. I dont know if I am missing a gland or what. But I like the training sessions. They are short but hard, high-intensity practices. I really get a lot out of them. This is a huge change from last year. I feel like everything has a purpose and a volleyball goal. We are not there just to fill a time slot, but I actually feel like we practice things that will help us down the road in tough matches. Some of the time it still was a little frustrating because I was still adjusting to the team and country and time change and everything else. For some reason this year my body has not adjusted as quickly as I would have liked it to. I dont know if its old age or different training or environment. What I do realize is that I am getting older and my body cannot do the same things it used to.

During the week we participated in two matches. The first one came versus Viserba, who we defeated 3-2. Pretty good start to our season. It was our first time playing together and we were playing with a lot of younger players; not to mention we were without our two starting outside hitters. One thing about this team was they could play some defense. I was hitting the leather off the ball and they would just stick an arm out and dig it. I was impressed. A little frustrating a times, but I will have to find a way to overcome this during the season. The next team we played was Forli Volley A2. They were really good. We lost 1-3 in this match, but again it was a good experience for us. Forli played a very fast tempo offense and their defense was superb as well. This is why its so important to get out and experience the talents of other countries. Volleyball is played so much differently in so many different places. Its pretty amazing when you think about it.
After experiencing Italy, I definitely will have to come back. I wanna see so many places there. But this trip was a great sampling of what is to come for both me and my adventures across the world and for this team. I think we can be a very tough team once we get rolling. It'll be interesting and I am excited and a bit nervous to embark on this trail. But I'm going.
Arrivederci Italia!
To check out the rest of the photos from my trip, Go Here>
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