This year I didn't do much. My birthday falls in a really bad time I guess. Its always Spring break, so birthday parties were never an option. Even in college, my birthday falls during out spring season. So I look forward to it and I don't. In 07', I got in a huge fight with one of my best friends on my birthday. 08' I was lying in a hospital bed in Suhl, Germany squirming in pain. In 09', I was on a 15 hour bus drive in Finland. 2010 was extra fun in Spain, but I was extra broke and there was some sort of holiday going on where everything was closed. Last year was not bad. But hey my birthday is notorious mishaps.
The other special thing about my birthday is that I share it with my late Uncle Rod. We always celebrated it together. That will always be with me.
This year would be a lot of the same. First I really think people forgot. But its whatever right. My boyfriend Curtis and I dined at a really good authentic Mexican restaurant with some close friends. That meal came with a shot of Tequila and some good ole fried ice cream. Unfortunately I was too "tired" to party anymore. But it was a fun night out with some friends.
The next thing better than a birthday dinner is two birthday dinners. Of course I am speaking of the annual Byrd April Birthday party dinner. Starting on the 5th of April, the Byrd family celebrates 7 birthdays; my Auntie Stella, cousins Taisha & Taunya, Uncle Alvin and cousin Chris. Its a big month for us. So we always get together to do what we love to do. EAT.
This year we dined at the Cheesecake factory again. No complaints there. We invited the whole clan this year, as my brother David, Ren & Tonisha and their 4 kids as joined us, as well as my boyfriend Curtis.
I had an amazing time. I love my family and they are always an amazing time.
Happy Birthday Auntie Stella, Taunya, Taisha, Chris and Uncle Alvin!
Ready to embark on my New Year as well! Happy New Year to me.
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