"You want to be on top?" This might sound familiar. Its a line in the intro song to the television show America's Next Top Model. Ever seen it? Its a show were girls fight tooth and nail for the chance to be a high fashion model. They get like a contract and a spread in some magazine. Its their dream. But I guess we all have dreams and aspirations of some sort in our lives. You want to be the best Basketball player and go to the league. You want to be smartest in school and be the valedictorian. You might want to be the best barista at Star Bucks. Whatever! But its the goal right. Its always the goal, whether it happens or not. Its not like we wake up and say, its okay I just want to be average today. You don't step on a court and say, its okay if I am not the best I can be. Nooo
So my point is, you don't do whatever you do to not be at least good at it? Or am I wrong. But what happens when you reach that pinnacle in whatever arena. Hey it could be back yard badminton. Two things are for sure. First off, when you have climbed to top of your mountain or hill, isn't there always another mountain to climb? When you are on top, there is always room to improve. You think MJ just stopped when he was considered the best? The next thing you realize is that there are always people on your heels scratching and gnawing to bring you down. You permanently have a target placed on your forehead.
Can you handle it? The pressure. Can you walk the walk and talk the talk all the time? Can you come out every night and perform and take the pressure of failing and the criticism that comes with it? Its hard I tell you! Some one said, " That you got to bare a cross if you want to wear a crown," and I totally get it. There is a responsibility, or at least everyone else in the world believes there is. Don't believe me, ask Lebron James. This guy just wants to play basketball and be the best at it, he has people burning his jersey and threatening him. Okay that hasn't happened to me, but being considered "good" or the "best" at something has its price. Are you ready to carry the load for everything even though its a team sport? Are you ready to accept responsibility when things don't go right, whether its your fault or not? Are you ready to have that asterisk by your name when you don't win or get that ring or championship. See Derrick Rose, Steve Nash, Dan Marino, Charles Barkley. Ok D Rose is a little premature. ;)
Today was one of those days where I was knocked down hard. Was I blinded by my own ambition? I don't think so. But sometimes I want to win so bad, that it seems to be all that matter. Its like... do I follow my expectations of me or everyone else. In my career I have been on both ends of the spectrum. Ive been at the bottom where I got my behind kicked and chewed out every day at practice. I been at the top where I was asked to do a little bit more because I could. Neither place is comforting. The last game I played really poorly. Not on purpose of course, but it was just one of those days. I feel like I let everyone down. People did not hesitate to let me know I let everyone down. Did I crack under pressure? I don't know? But that is the responsibility I have to bare because I want to be the best at something. I demand more of myself and sometimes it blinds me from reality. But whats wrong with that? Yeah, I could be average. You know right there in the middle of the pack. What fun is that? My Mom's used to say you get a C just for showing up to class. Nope I want more in my life. Is it wrong to demand more of myself and the people around me. Isn't that what leaders do? Again see Lebron James.
I'm an emotional person by nature. I want to win. I want to help. I want to motivate. I want to prove so many people wrong. I want to be the best. There are so many things that I want.... but always understand this... Champions pay the price one way or the other. I'm not saying I am this Champion or anything, but Id sure like to be one. I didnt come into this seeking awards or records. I never have. I never will. I just came to play and help my team win But being the best requires sarifice, patience and yes, there is glory but there is also a price to pay. And then I ask myself "So you want to be on top, Lauren?" Am I ready for it???
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