Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Airforce Rd 2.

On some day in August- The days are starting to run together so much. Match after match from now on. Its the quarterfinals, even though there are 6 teams left, each and every match is important. We have to play all of them like its a championship game. If everyone on our side can have that mentality, we will be hard to beat. I believe this round will be about mental toughness. We have proven that we can both win and lose to any team in this league. Our main goal should be to be tough and play each and every match with the same intensity. Even keel. One can always improve, but maintaining a high level of play proves to be difficult, especially with a young team like ours.

Playing the Airforce for a second time would prove interesting. This time all the nerves are out. We had a feel for our teammates and what was going on. Looking back on the first time, it was the opening match of the whole V League with the highest attendance. Playing in front of lesser crowd meant no change for us. We still needed to go out with a purpose. We know that the Airforce has 2 really good hitters in the lefty Maizo and Manzano. Both are capable of scoring from anywhere on the court. Plus their setter, Semana, does a really good job of distributing the ball and plays crazy mad defense. So containing those three players were key.

Coming out we were a bit stiff and cold, especially after our last match against the Army, people had high expectations for this team and so do I. Pretty much now the secret is out on us as well. To stop SSC you have to stop Jeng Bualee and Lauren Ford. Every match from here on out, Jeng and I will walked onto the court with X's on our backs. Lots of pressure, but we can take it. What was so awesome about this match was that others stepped up. Jhoy Benito and Jill Gustilo have been playing amazing in the back row with keeping the ball off the floor. At this point that is crucial. I am happy to be decoy....

Of course Jeng, the Queen of Swing is lights out all day. I always say she has never seen a set she didn't like. Today was not different. That girl lives to hit balls and hit them hard. The tricky thing is that everyone in the arena knows she is getting the ball. To hit through a set double block waiting for you, and be successful is remarkable. I hope she keeps it up.

Me you ask? I had an average game. Hey, cant score 27 points every game, but I can be a big problem by just stepping onto the court. Teams have to respect a middle that can score, which opens up the court so much for the other players to score. I'm thrilled when I can get good opportunities for my teammates and they maximize on it. That truly gives teams headaches.

In the end, we defeated the Airforce in 3 sets. Always good to finish and do it quickly. No one likes 5 set matches. Well, Im sure the fans love it. But it tends to get hard on the body. A win is a win I suppose. Good start to the second round. WE are now the team to beat. This is gonna get interesting. Sometimes when your on top, the only way to go is down. Keyword is gonna be MAINTAIN.... the intensity!

We live to fight another day!

Cant wait for Jen to return to us. We need her! She is rehabbing and is determined to get back. YAY!

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